Kremzow Rd, Warner

Litoria Consulting has been commissioned to undertake necessary environmental assessments as part of the proposed development of land for urban purposes at Kremzow Rd, Warner.

In addition to preparing Property Maps of Assessable Vegetation (PMAV) and amendments to errors associated with planning scheme overlays, Litoria’s team of ecologists has a range of detailed surveys including botanical survey, tree survey and arboricultural assessment and fauna survey. Fauna survey has included a combination of unattended acoustic recording, koala survey (via detection dogs), spotlighting, diurnal bird survey and small mammal trapping.

The results of the surveys will be used to inform the final design of the development, with the aim of avoiding and minimising significant impacts on the ecological values of the site.

Construction Environmental Management – Queensland

Over the past 3 months, Litoria’s team of environmental managers have been working closely with clients, regulators and builders to ensure that the environmental aspects of our client’s construction projects are managed in accordance with approved plans and development permits. Whether fauna management or protection of trees on development sites, our approach mapped the simplest and most efficient pathway to minimise the likelihood of environmental impacts during construction works; ensuring satisfactory compliance and reducing development risks to our clients.