Who: Shayher Developments Pty Ltd
What: Ecological Assessment Report
When: 2010/11
Where: Meiers Road, Indooroopilly
Why: The purpose of the Ecological Assessment Report was to identify ecological values and features on the development site and determine any potential development impacts to these values and features. If any potential impacts to ecological values were found litoria was to make recommendations on mitigation measures that would protect high value ecological features as well as to ensure impacts on all ecological features were minimised to an acceptable standard.
Outcomes: litoria ecologists identified several important ecological features on the development site, such as the rainforest plot and large habitat trees.It was determined that in order to mitigate impacts to these ecological areas, management would need to implement several actions throughout the development lifecycle. These actions would include flora and fauna management in combination with rehabilitation of habitat areas.
Report Appendix: Fauna Survey results.pdf